How to reinstall Windows 10, Windows 11

Links and information about reinstalling Windows 10 or Windows 11

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Links and information about reinstalling Windows 10 or Windows 11


If your PC is not performing properly, an operating system reset or reinstall is sometimes recommended.

Operating Systems

  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11


Microsoft makes it easy to reset or reinstall Microsoft Windows 10/11. See this Microsoft link for details:

Reinstall Windows 10/11

Additional Information

Note: Before choosing the option to reinstall, make sure you have a USB drive or DVD with the needed installation files. If you didn't receive or create one when you first loaded Windows, refer to Microsoft for instructions to create installation media on your own or see the Lenovo recovery link:

Things to try before resetting or reinstalling Windows 10/11
Before you start, be sure you really need to reset or reinstall Windows. If you're considering these options because your system is running slowly, start with these common ways to speed things up:

  • Try these general troubleshooting steps: First steps for solving computer problems.
  • Consider the programs in your Startup folder: Do all of them need to open every time you launch the operating system?
  • Confirm browser plug-ins, extensions, and toolbars: Many of these helper programs run forever. Do you still need them?
  • Check your settings: Is an ill-tuned security tool or social media program consuming too many CPU cycles?

Document ID:HT510570
Data publicării inițiale:06/08/2020
Data ultimei modificări:01/15/2025