Intel SpeedStep Technology Applet for Windows 98/NT/2000 - ThinkPad G41, R40, R50/e/p, R51, R52, T40/p, T41/p, T42/p, T43/p, X31, X32, X40, X41, Z60m, Z60t

Intel SpeedStep Technology Applet for Windows 98/NT/2000 - ThinkPad G41, R40, R50/e/p, R51, R52, T40/p, T41/p, T42/p, T43/p, X31, X32, X40, X41, Z60m, Z60t

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Intel SpeedStep Technology Applet for Windows 98/NT/2000 - ThinkPad G41, R40, R50/e/p, R51, R52, T40/p, T41/p, T42/p, T43/p, X31, X32, X40, X41, Z60m, Z60t

1.544 MB

OS Independent

13 Sep 2005

Intel SpeedStep Technology Applet (End User Edition) for Windows 98, 98SE, NT 4.0, 2000


1.54 MB

OS Independent

13 Sep 2005

README for Intel SpeedStep Technology Applet (End User Edition) for Windows 98, 98SE, NT 4.0, 2000


3.83 KB

OS Independent

13 Sep 2005


This package provides the Intel SpeedStep Technology Applet. SpeedStep is a mobile technology that allows an enabled CPU to operate in multiple performance states under Microsoft Windows 98/98 SE/NT 4.0/2000.

Επί πλέον

This package provides the Intel SpeedStep Technology Applet. SpeedStep is a mobile technology that allows an enabled CPU to operate in multiple performance states under Microsoft Windows 98, 98SE, NT 4.0, 2000.

This package enables or updates the applet programs of the following ThinkPad computers with Intel Pentium SpeedStep Technology:

- ThinkPad G41(*1)
- ThinkPad R40
- ThinkPad R50 (*1), R50e (*1), R50p (*1), R51 (*1), R52(*1)
- ThinkPad T40, T41, T42, T43(*2), T40p(*1), T41p(*1), T42p(*1), T43p(*1)
- ThinkPad X31, X32(*2)
- ThinkPad X40 (*2), X41(*1)
- ThinkPad Z60m(*1), Z60t(*1)

- *1: Only Windows 2000 is supported.
- *2: Windows 2000 and Windows NT 4.0 are supported.
Additional information
This Additional Information field contains the following sections
I. Summary of changes
II. Installation instructions
III. Determining which version is installed
I. Summary of changes
Version 3.00
  • (New) Initial release

Version 3.10

  • (New) Support ThinkPad G41
  • (New) Update Intel SpeedStep Technology trademark
  • (New) Support ThinkPad Z60t, Z60m

II. Installation instructions
Note: If you have a previous version installed uninstall it and reboot prior to installing the current version.

  1. Start Windows 98/NT/2000. If using Windows NT/2000, logon with administrative privileges.
  2. Click Start, select Settings, and then click Control Panel.
  3. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.
  4. Click Install/Uninstall (or Change or Remove programs) tab.
  5. Click Intel Speed Step technology Applet in the list.
  6. Click the Add/Remove (or Change/Remove) button.
  7. Follow instructions and restart Windows.
  1. Start Windows 98/Me/NT/2000. If using Windows NT/2000, logon with administrative privileges.
  2. Extract the package to the hard drive.
  3. Click Start and then click Run.
  4. In the Run dialog window, type C:\DRIVERS\WIN\SPDSTP\SETUP.EXE to install the utility. Click the OK button to start the installation process. If you extracted the files to a different location, specify that location instead.
  5. Follow the instructions on the screen.
  6. Restart the system for the driver to be effective.

III. Determining which version is installed
Check the date stamp of the PRPCUI.DLL file in the following directory.

Windows 98: C:\Windows\System
Windows NT 4.0/2000: C:\Windows\System32

PRPCUI.DLL version numberDate Stamp
2.2011/28/2001 14:20
2.3003/25/2002 14:30
3.0010/07/2002 3:00
3.1007/28/2003 3:01


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Ημερομηνία τελευταίας τροποποίησης: 02 Jul 2015

Ημερομηνία αρχικής δημοσίευσης: 13 Sep 2005

Αναγνωριστικό εγγράφου: DS003587
