How to restore the system to a system restore point - Windows 10, 11
Where to get information on restoring the system to a system restore point - Windows 10 and 11
Where to get information on restoring the system to a system restore point - Windows 10 and 11
The installation of a program or a driver may cause an unexpected change to the computer or cause Windows to behave unpredictably. System Restore helps restore your computer's system files to an earlier point in time. This is a way to undo system changes to the computer without affecting personal files, such as e‑mail, documents, or photos.
System Restore is not intended for backing up personal files, so it cannot help recover a personal file that has been deleted or damaged. Regularly back up personal files and important data using a backup program.
For information about using System Restore, go to:
- [Video] How to use System Restore Points in Windows 10
- Recovery options in Windows
- For Windows 11, see scroll down in Recovery options in Windows to Restore from a system restore point
Operating Systems
- Windows 10
- Windows 11
For more recovery options in Windows, see Recovery options in Windows.
Create a restore point
- Click Search and type create a restore point in the search field.
- Under the System Protection tab, click Create.
- Type in a desired name and click OK.
- The time it takes to create the restore point will depend on the amount of data, computer speed, etc.
- Now if something goes wrong you can go back in time to the point before the changes were made.
Start to restore the PC
Use one of the following options:
- System restore from Windows
- System restore from Advanced boot menu for Windows 10
- System restore from Advanced boot menu for Windows 11
System restore from Windows: launch from Windows, applicable for Windows 10/11
- Search for and select Control Panel.
- Change View by: to large icons. Select Recovery. Select Open System Restore to open System Restore.
- Click Next.
- Select a restore point and click Next.
- Click Finish, then click Yes to start the PC restore.
System restore from Advanced boot menu for Windows 10/11
- When Windows 10 cannot load the desktop, the only way to enter the advanced boot menu is to do a forced shutdown on the machine, by pressing and holding the power button three times. After that, the following screen is displayed. Select See advanced repair options.
- Click Troubleshoot.
- Click Advanced options.
- Click System Restore.
- Choose an account to continue.
- Enter the password for this account and click Continue.
- Click Next.
- Choose a restore point and click Next.
- Confirm the restore point, then click Finish.
- Click Yes to start the PC restore.
- Click Restart when the System Restore completed successfully prompt appears.
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