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TouchPad auto zoom in and out - ThinkPad

TouchPad auto zoom in and out - ThinkPad

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TouchPad auto zoom in and out - ThinkPad


The screen sometimes zooms in and out automatically when running a finger along the TouchPad or when tapping on the surface.


Applicable Brands


Operating Systems

Windows 10


  1. Open Control Panel. See Where is Control Panel?
    Control Panel
  2. Choose Mouse.
  3. A Mouse Properties screen is displayed.
  4. Choose the UltraNav tab or ThinkPad tab.

Note: If the system does not have an UltraNav or ThinkPad tab, install the Hotkey driver.

UltraNav Tab

  1. Click the UltraNav tab.
  2. Go to the TouchPad section and click Settings.


  3. Go to Application Gestures -> Pinch Zoom.
  4. Uncheck the Enable Pinch Zoom box.

ThinkPad Tab

  1. Go to the ThinkPad tab.
  2. Go to the Gestures section and uncheck Enable Gestures.


Document ID:HT117604
Data publicării inițiale:03/01/2016
Data ultimei modificări:11/15/2024