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Sound can be recorded when setting microphone level to 0 in Control Panel under Microsoft Windows 10 - ThinkPad

Sound can be recorded when setting microphone level to 0 in Control Panel under Microsoft Windows 10 - ThinkPad

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Sound can be recorded when setting microphone level to 0 in Control Panel under Microsoft Windows 10 - ThinkPad


In Microsoft Windows 10, if the microphone level is set to 0 in Control Panel (control panel->sound->recording->microphone-properties-level), sound can still be recorded.

Applicable Brand


Operating Systems

Microsoft Windows 10


Use the Mute hot key on the keyboard or press the Mute button in Control Panel. Do not set the volume bar level to 0.

Additional Information

This is a Microsoft Windows 10 issue.

Alias Id:SF15-T0052
Document ID:HT103987
Data publicării inițiale:08/06/2015
Data ultimei modificări:09/13/2024