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How to access the Gaming section in Windows 11

How to access the Gaming section in Windows 11

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How to access the Gaming section in Windows 11

The Gaming section in Windows has features for Xbox gaming.

How to access the Gaming section

Use the following steps to access the Gaming section.

  1. Select the Windows icon (Start).
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select Gaming.

Xbox Game Bar

The Xbox Game Bar controls how the Xbox Game Bar opens and how it recognizes the game. 

Press Windows logo key + G to open Game Bar over a game, app, or the desktop. Press Windows logo key + G to make the Game Bar go away.

Xbox Game Bar


The Captures section is for getting screenshots and game clips.


Game Mode

Optimize your PC for play by turning things off in the background. This setting is On by default. For more information, see Use Game Mode while gaming on your Windows device.

Game Mode

Ursprungligt publiceringsdatum:11/27/2024
Senast ändrad den:12/09/2024