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How to enable Elan touchpad vertical scrolling for Windows 10 - ideapad

Information about turning on the Elan touchpad and vertical scrolling for ideapad

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Information about turning on the Elan touchpad and vertical scrolling for ideapad


  1. Open the Start menu and go to Settings.
  2. Select Devices.
  3. Click Mouse from the left panel. Then from the bottom of the screen click Additional mouse options.
    Mouse settings
  4. The Mouse properties window is displayed. Select the ELAN/Device Settings tab. Under Devices settings/Elan, select the device, and click Settings/Options.
    Note: If the ELAN tab is missing, re-install the touchpad driver by going to http://support.lenovo.com, selecting your product, and going to Drivers & Software to find ELAN touchpad driver, or searching ELAN driver for your product.

  5. Select the Multi-Finger tab. Select Scrolling and the box next to Vertical Scroll. Click Apply and Ok.


Document ID:HT503008
Data publicării inițiale:01/03/2017
Data ultimei modificări:07/08/2024