How to enable Bluetooth in Windows 10 and 11 - ideapad

Steps and instructions to enable Bluetooth in Windows 10 and 11 - ideapad

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Steps and instructions to enable Bluetooth in Windows 10 and 11 - ideapad


This topic describes the steps for switching on Bluetooth in Windows for Lenovo, Idea laptops, and tablets. For ThinkPad, click: How to turn on or off Bluetooth - ThinkPad.

For Bluetooth failing issues, click: Fixing Bluetooth issues in Windows 10.

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Windows 11

Use one of the following options:

Option 1:

Select StartSettingsBluetooth & devices, then turn Bluetooth on or off. For details, see Turn Bluetooth on or off in Windows.

Bluetooth and devices

Option 2:

Press F7 or Fn+F7 to switch Airplane mode, then Bluetooth will be on automatically. Note: This key may be different depending on the system (use F10 for some ThinkPads, check the User Manual for details).

Windows 10

Use one of the following options:

Option 1:

  1. Press the Windows key. Click Settings (the Gear icon).
  2. Select Network & Internet.
    Network & Internet
  3. Select Airplane mode. Select Bluetooth, then move the toggle switch to On. Bluetooth options are also listed under Settings, Devices, Bluetooth & other devices.
    Bluetooth option

Option 2:

Press F7 or Fn+F7 to switch Airplane mode, then Bluetooth will be on automatically. Note: This key may be different depending on the system (use F10 for some ThinkPads, check the User Manual for details).

Opprinnelig publiseringsdato:09/28/2016
Siste endrede data:12/02/2024