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How to find serial numbers - Smart (AR VR, Smart Home, and Smart Collaboration)

Methods to find serial numbers on Smart (AR VR, Smart Home, and Smart Collaboration)

Methods to find serial numbers on Smart (AR VR, Smart Home, and Smart Collaboration)

How to find serial numbers - Smart (AR/VR, Smart Home, and Smart Collaboration)

To find other types of serial numbers, click PC, server, or phone products.

Cozyla Album

Figure 1 below shows the location of the serial number on the product label.
serial numbers labels
Figure 2 below shows the location of the serial number on the device system. Swipe down from top to display the frame menu, then tap Settings > About Device.
Figure 3 shows the location of the serial number on the My Cozyla application.
Figure 4 shows the location of the serial number on the product box label.

Lenovo Smart Display

Figure 1 below shows the location of the serial number and machine type label.


Figure 2 below shows the standard serial number and machine type label.


Smart Home Essentials - Lenovo Smart Bulb

Check the pictures below to find the product’s Manufacturing Number for service. BXXX for Smart Bulb, PXXX for Lenovo Smart Plug as marked in the red rectangle.

The following image shows the location of the Manufacturing Number for Lenovo Smart Bulb.


Smart Home Essentials - Lenovo Smart Plug

Check the pictures below to find the product’s Manufacturing Number for service. PXXX for Lenovo Smart Plug as marked in a red rectangle.

The following image shows the location of the Manufacturing Number for Lenovo Smart Plug.

Smart Plug number

Lenovo Smart Clock - Smart Clock Settings

The first generation Smart Clock with touch screen displays the serial number in the settings.

  • Swipe up from the bottom of the screen.
  • The settings icon is located at the far right.
  • Choose About device.
  • The serial number is displayed in the menu.

ThinkSmart Hub 500

The machine type, model number and serial number (S/N) are attached on the meeting console. See the following image:

Meeting console

ThinkSmart Core Kit, and ThinkSmart Core

ThinkSmart Core Kit


ThinkSmart Core


The Serial Number (SN) location is described at: ThinkSmart Core Kit: Service and Support Overview

ThinkSmart One

ThinkSmart One


The Serial Number (SN) location is described at: ThinkSmart One and ThinkSmart Controller Kit - Service and Support.

ThinkSmart Cam (4Y71)

ThinkSmart Cam

The Serial Number (SN) location is described at: ThinkSmart Cam - Overview and Service Parts

ThinkSmart Bar (11RS), ThinkSmart Bar XL (11RT)

ThinkSmart Bar

The Serial Number location is described at: ThinkSmart Bar, ThinkSmart Bar XL - Overview and Service Parts

ThinkSmart Bar 180 (12UE, 12UF)

ThinkSmart Bar 180

The Serial Number location is described at: ThinkSmart Bar 180 - Overview and Service Parts

ThinkSmart View

There are two ways to check the Serial Number (S/N).

Method 1: The S/N can be found on the bottom rear of the device as shown in the picture.
Serial number

Method 2: Connect the device to power source. Go to Settings. The S/N is under About (for example DF012345).
Sample number

ThinkSmart View Plus (12CN, 12CQ)

ThinkReality VRX Headset (12DE, 12DF)

Lenovo Mirage VR S3 Headset (20UU, 20UT)

The Mirage VR S3 product Serial Number (SN) is located at:

On the Product label:

VR Headset

In the Settings menu:

Power on the Mirage VR S3 headset. On the home screen, select the Settings icon. Within Settings, select About. The following information is displayed.


ThinkReality A3 (20V7, 20V8) Augmented Reality Glasses

The ThinkReality A3 product Serial Number (S/N) is located behind the brow pad.

For more information, refer to ThinkReality A3 Augmented Reality Glasses (20V7, 20V8) - Overview and Service Parts.

ThinkReality A6 (20QL, 20QM) Augmented Reality Glasses

The ThinkReality A6 product Serial Number (S/N) is located on a label inside the A6 Compute Box. The A6 Head Mount Display (HMD) glasses does not have the product serial number.


serial number

Remove the cover to the A6 Compute Pack, and remove the battery.

Compute Pack

Lenovo Explorer Headset


The system serial number is located on a label inside the facemask of the headset.

The system serial number is part of a string of characters below the barcode on the label. The string begins with the letters SN (1S). The Serial Number in the image, is the 8 characters above the yellow line. The Serial Number begins with Z.

In the picture below the full string is S/N(1S)G0A2XXXXWWZXEXEXE0 79

Full string

  • Green line: 7 characters is S/N(1S)
  • Red line: 10 characters is the system machine type-model. It begins with G0A2 and ends with WW.
  • Yellow line: 8 characters is the system serial number. The system serial number is needed for Lenovo warranty entitlement. It begins with Z.

Star Wars™: Jedi Challenges Headset

The system serial number is located on a label inside on the left hand side of the headset, right of the phone tray.

The system serial number is 8 characters, and begins with a HA above the barcode label. The system machine-type is to the right of the P/N and begins with ZA39.

headset barcode

Lenovo Mirage Solo Headset

The system serial number is located on a label inside the facemask of the headset.


The system serial number (S/N) is 8 characters.

serial number

Lenovo Mirage Camera


The serial number for the Lenovo Mirage Camera is located in the battery compartment of the device. The Serial number (S/N) is 8 characters.

serial number

Original offentliggørelsesdato:09/08/2021
Dato for sidste ændring:03/11/2025