Lenovo Networking Firmware Update Support Page

Lenovo Networking Firmware Update Support Page

Lenovo Networking Firmware Update Support Page


This upgrade page introduces the different procedures that can be used to upgrade Lenovo switching devices running ENOS(Enterprise Network Operating System) or CNOS(Campus Network Operating System). These procedures all require a network connection from the switch to a device holding the software, and they may also need console access. In most cases, the transfer methods include FTP, TFTP, SFTP, and SCP.

Applicable Systems

  • CE0128PB
  • CE0128TB
  • CE0152PB
  • CE0152TB
G Series
  • G7028
  • G7052
  • G8124E
  • G8264
  • G8264CS
  • G8272
  • G8296
  • G8332
N Series
  • NE0152T
  • NE0152TO
  • NE10032
  • NE10032O
  • NE1032
  • NE1032T
  • NE1064TO
  • NE1072T
  • NE2572
  • NE2572O
  • NE2580O

Acquiring Firmware and Drivers

  1. Visit the Lenovo Data Center Support site.
  2. Click the Networking tile for Lenovo Solutions products or run a search by specifying a server model with machine type
    Using Networking tile
    • For example, to find Rackswitch G8332, Type 7159:
      Click the Networking tile -> for Series, select Rackswitch -> for Subseries, select Switch - G8332 -> for Machine Type, select Type 7159.   
    Using Search box
    • Enter keywords in the Search box: for example, Rackswitch G8332 or simply Type 7159.  Search keywords are case-insensitive. 
    • Select Rackswitch G8332, Type 7159 from the drop-down menu.
  3. This will take you to the product home page of this server.
  4. On the server's Product Home page:
    • Click Drivers & Software on the left navigation menu.
    • For system firmware, select the Switch tile. Other tiles include: Lenovo Capacity Planner​, Networking: LAN(Ethernet), Software and Utilities.  
    • You can also search using keywords such as Support for VMware, VMware Integration, Ansible Module, Nvidia Mellanox Advanced-OFED Drivers, Network Orchestrator, OpenStack Integration, Ganglia Integration, Support for OpenStack Neutron, etc. to locate the software you need.
  5. Download software packages for your server.
    • For example: Firmware for Rackswitch G8332
  6. For a step-by-step guide of how to locate and download all available firmware/drivers for your Lenovo DCG products, click this Acquiring Firmware/Drivers link or on the tab by the same name at the top of this page.
  7. For firmware installation and upgrades, refer to the following tips and documents for more informaton:


Choose the following access scenario to quickly access the section that best suits your current environment, and then select the correct option to find links for tools and steps.

Console Access

These methods require console access so the boot-up process can be printed to the screen via CLI. Even though you are connected via a console, you will still need the management port to be connected to the network or a computer. Part of the process is to configure these ports for a one-time transfer.

Remote Access via CLI

These methods require the switch to already be set up on a network and have access to a server setup to provide the upgrade file via one of the transfer methods.

Remote Access via Web GUI

These methods require the switch to already be set up on a network and use HTTPS to download the upgrade file. Other transfer methods can also be used but are not explained in the provided articles. CNOS is not provided because it does not have a Web GUI

Lenovo XClarity Administrator

This method requires the switches to be added to LXCA.

Original offentliggørelsesdato:10/27/2020
Dato for sidste ændring:05/15/2024