[비디오] 전원 공급 장치 제거 동영상 - ThinkStation E32 (타입 30A2, 30A3) (스몰폼 팩터)

[비디오] 전원 공급 장치 제거 동영상 - ThinkStation E32 (타입 30A2, 30A3) (스몰폼 팩터)

[비디오] 전원 공급 장치 제거 동영상 - ThinkStation E32 (타입 30A2, 30A3) (스몰폼 팩터)



Text of the audio portion of this movie

Removal:Power Cable

Before removing the Power Cables, remove the following FRUs:

  1. Computer cover
  2. optical Drive
  3. Hard Disk Drive
  4. Cooling Shroud

After removing the above FRUs, perform the following steps:

  1. Disconnect the power Cables from the Syetemboard.
  2. Open the Power Cable Clip on the Drive Bay Assembly.
  3. Remove the Power Cables from the chassis.
Additional information

gotoThinkPad movie index

gotoDetailed installation and removal instructions

Full service video CD available from http://www.lenovoservicetraining.com/


문서 ID:PD028728
최초 게시 날짜:09/02/2013
최종 수정일:07/24/2014