백업 배터리 설치 동영상 - ThinkPad T431s

백업 배터리 설치 동영상 - ThinkPad T431s

백업 배터리 설치 동영상 - ThinkPad T431s


Text of the audio portion of this movie
    1. Lower the backup battery adhesive side down, and press firmly to attach it to the system board
    2. Secure the cable with tape
    3. Connect the backup battery cable to the system board
    4. Align the base cover with the ports of the system
    5. Make sure the cover is seated correctly
    6. Tighten the eight captive screws to secure the base cover to the keyboard bezel assembly
    7. Insert the SIM card under the tab in the SIM Card Tray
    8. Insert the tray into the slot until it clicks into place
    9. Connect the Power supply cable to the computer
    10. Press the power button to automatically enable the battery


      Additional information

      gotoThinkPad movie index

      Full service video CD available from http://service.lenovo.partner-management.com/


      문서 ID:PD027042
      최초 게시 날짜:05/09/2013
      최종 수정일:07/24/2014