Predesktop Administrator 유틸리티 - Access IBM
사용 가능한 드라이버
Predesktop Administrator 유틸리티 - Access IBM
Windows 7 (32-bit)
Windows 7 (64-bit)
Windows 8 (32-bit)
Windows 8 (64-bit)
Windows 8.1 (32-bit)
Windows 8.1 (64-bit)
Windows Vista (32-Bit)
Windows Vista (64-Bit)
Windows XP (32-bit)
Windows XP (64-bit)
This tool enables you to change security of, or access to, the settings of the Predesktop Area. You can even hide various Predesktop Area functions from users. It is a DOS-based tool that has a command line interface. This release supports the following
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This tool enables you to change security of, or access to, the settings of the Predesktop Area. You can even hide various Predesktop Area functions from users. It is a DOS-based tool that has a command line interface. This release supports the following IBM systems: - ThinkPad G40 - ThinkPad R40, R40e - ThinkPad T40 - ThinkPad X31 |
귀하의 의견은 사이트 개선하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
에일리어스 ID: MIGR-46025
최종 수정일: 11 Jul 2021
최초 게시 날짜: 11 Jul 2021
문서 ID: DS000836