FC5022/FC5024D HBA may exhibit a port init failure upon OS boot - Lenovo Server

FC5022/FC5024D HBA may exhibit a port init failure upon OS boot - Lenovo Server

FC5022/FC5024D HBA may exhibit a port init failure upon OS boot - Lenovo Server


During a system boot with either the FC5022 HBA or the FC5024D adapter, the primary port may show as in an init failure state. The secondary port will be up and fully functional within the host OS. This behavior is random and has only been observed in a boot from SAN environment.

(where HBA = Host Bus Adapter, SAN = Storage Area Network)

Affected Configurations

The system is configured with one or more of the following Lenovo Options:

  • Flex System FC5022 2-port 16Gb FC Adapter (FC5022), any CRU
  • Flex System FC5024 4-port 16Gb FC Adapter for IBM Flex System x222, Option 95Y2379, any model

This tip is not system specific.

This tip is not software specific.

The system has the symptom described above.


There are no fixes for this behavior, and no further fixes or changes are coming for the FC5022/FC5024D BR series adapters.


To limit the behavior, it is advised to utilize UEFI boot process in the host instead of Legacy boot. The failure is seen much less frequently in the UEFI boot configuration of the host.

If the init failure is observed, a reboot or virtual reseat of the host is advised as the port will be functional on the subsequent reboot.

Additional Information

The firmware and driver hand off timing occasionally will not line up on the BR series adapters. When this happens the adapters will not bring up the primary port and will remain in the init failure state due to the missed handshake. There are no fixes for this behavior.

ドキュメント ID:HT505241