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Flash BIOS Update - ThinkStation P410, P510

Flash BIOS Update - ThinkStation P410, P510

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Flash BIOS Update - ThinkStation P410, P510

54.771 MB

Windows 10 (64-bit)

Windows 7 (32-bit)

Windows 7 (64-bit)

Windows 8 (64-bit)

21 Jun 2022
Odporúča sa

Flash UEFI BIOS update (Flash from operating system version)


7.08 MB

Windows 10 (64-bit)

Windows 7 (32-bit)

Windows 7 (64-bit)

Windows 8 (64-bit)

21 Jun 2022
Odporúča sa

Installation instructions for Flash UEFI BIOS update (Flash from operating system version)


11.45 KB

Windows 10 (64-bit)

Windows 7 (32-bit)

Windows 7 (64-bit)

Windows 8 (64-bit)

21 Jun 2022
Odporúča sa

Flash UEFI BIOS update (CD ISO image version)


34.18 MB

Windows 10 (64-bit)

Windows 7 (32-bit)

Windows 7 (64-bit)

Windows 8 (64-bit)

21 Jun 2022
Odporúča sa

Installation instructions for Flash UEFI BIOS update (CD ISO image version)


10.17 KB

Windows 10 (64-bit)

Windows 7 (32-bit)

Windows 7 (64-bit)

Windows 8 (64-bit)

21 Jun 2022
Odporúča sa

Windows BIOS setting tool


1.22 MB

Windows 10 (64-bit)

Windows 7 (32-bit)

Windows 7 (64-bit)

Windows 8 (64-bit)

21 Jun 2022
Odporúča sa

Flash UEFI BIOS update – EFI Shell utility


12.26 MB

Windows 10 (64-bit)

Windows 7 (32-bit)

Windows 7 (64-bit)

Windows 8 (64-bit)

21 Jun 2022
Odporúča sa

Installation instructions for Flash UEFI BIOS update - EFI Shell utility


10.1 KB

Windows 10 (64-bit)

Windows 7 (32-bit)

Windows 7 (64-bit)

Windows 8 (64-bit)

21 Jun 2022
Odporúča sa


This package updates the basic input/output system (BIOS) on ThinkStation P410, P510 systems.

Kompatibilné zariadenia

  • ThinkStation P510
  • ThinkStation P410

Kompatibilné operačné systémy

  • Windows 7 32bit, 64bit
  • Windows 8 64bit
  • Windows 10 64bit

Čo je viac

Once this BIOS/UEFI update has been applied, the CPU microcode contained inside cannot be reverted. Please review the
LEN-18282 security advisory carefully, and consider whether updating or not updating is the better option for your circumstance.

BIOS is programming that controls low-level hardware operations, including interactions with diskette drives, hard drives, and the keyboard. The BIOS is stored on a chip. Your computer uses flash BIOS, which can be updated through a program on a flash diskette so that you do not have to replace the BIOS chip to update the BIOS.

Note: Make note of any settings you have changed in the BIOS Configuration Utility. These settings may have to be re-entered after updating the BIOS.

Additional Information

Please refer to the README file for the following:

  • Installation Instructions
  • Determining Which Version is Installed
  • Complete list of summary of changes
  • Known limitations (if any)
File Version Release Date Description
s00jy72usa.exe S00KT72A 13-Jan-2022 Flash UEFI BIOS update (Flash from operating system version)
s00jy72usa.txt Installation instructions for flash UEFI BIOS update (Flash from operating system version)
s00j972usa.iso Flash UEFI BIOS update (CD ISO image version)
s00j972usa.txt Installation instructions for flash UEFI BIOS update (CD ISO image version)
s00j372usa.zip Flash UEFI BIOS update – EFI Shell utility
s00j372usa.txt Installation instructions for Flash UEFI BIOS update - EFI Shell utility
s00jw72usa.exe Windows Bios Setting Tools
Boli tieto informácie užitočné?

Vaša spätná väzba pomáha zlepšiť celkovú používateľskú skúsenosť

Dátum poslednej úpravy: 22 Jun 2023

Original Publish Date: 04 Jul 2017

ID dokumentu: DS112673
