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Prescription Lens Inserts - ThinkReality VRX

Prescription Lens Inserts - ThinkReality VRX

Prescription Lens Inserts - ThinkReality VRX


Describes the prescription lens inserts and kits for the ThinkReality VRX headset. Prescription lenses and kits are available from:

  • VR Optician
    • Prescription Lenses
  • Reloptix
    • Prescription Kit
    • Prescription Lens Inserts
    • Non-Prescription Kit
    • Prescription Lens Inserts
    • Adapter Bases
  • VOY Glasses
    • Tunable lenses

Prescription lenses and kits protect the lenses of your glasses and the ThinkReality VRX headset.

Applicable Systems


VR Optician

VR Optician logo

Contact VR Optician at: VR Optician - Lenovo ThinkReality VRX Prescription Lenses

VR Optician Prescription Lenses        VR Optician Fitted          VR Optician Front View


Reloptix logo

Contact Reloptix at: Reloptix - Lenovo ThinkReality VRX

Reloptix Kit    Reloptix Lens Insert      Reloptix Adapter

VOY Glasses


Allows users to simply slide the metal knob to set the position that best matches their vision needs. Then, they can put on the device to view the image. Users can fine-tune the setting until they achieve optimal clarity. For more information, click: Tunable Lens Inserts for the Lenovo ThinkReality VRX.

Front view     

   VOY inside view

Opprinnelig publiseringsdato:11/02/2023
Siste endrede data:05/02/2024