QLogic 10 Gb CNA NIC Driver v1.0.1.3 for Windows 2008 64 bit - IBM System x
Available Drivers
QLogic 10 Gb CNA NIC Driver v1.0.1.3 for Windows 2008 64 bit - IBM System x
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2008 (64-bit)
CHANGE HISTORY for the QLogic 10 Gb CNA NIC Driver for Windows 2008 64bit
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2008 (64-bit)
QLogic 10 Gb CNA NIC Driver for Windows 2008 64bit
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2008 (64-bit)
README for the QLogic 10 Gb CNA NIC Driver for Windows 2008 64bit
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2008 (64-bit)
XML for the QLogic 10 Gb CNA NIC Driver for Windows 2008 64bit
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2008 (64-bit)
Download the latest QLogic 10 Gb CNA NIC Driver for Windows 2008 64 bit - IBM System x
What's More
- New IBM xSeries firmware and device driver file naming convention
- New firmware update file formats
- Having trouble downloading a file from our site?
Change history
Severity: Suggested - 06/06/10
- Closed XB036256 Ghidorah 2-nodes with hyperthreading on W2K8 R2 Kenova Blue Screen - fixed the driver to handle more than 64 processors - 01/07/10
- Fixed a PCI resource filtering bug - 10/25/09
- Fixed a pending TX bug - 10/19/09
- Added WOL support for specific OEM Mezz card.
- Added support to wait for NCSI/RMII to stop before doing reset.
- Removed code to reset the nic for double CAM hit event. - 07/17/09
- Fixed RSS with Line Interrupt issue - 05/19/09
- Initial release
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Alias Id: MIGR-5087905
Last Modified Date: 15 Mar 2017
Original Publish Date: 25 Jun 2012
Document ID: DS109706