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How to run Windows Troubleshooters - Windows 10 and Windows 11

How to Run Windows Troubleshooters on Windows 10 and Windows 11 - Step-by-Step Guide

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How to Run Windows Troubleshooters on Windows 10 and Windows 11 - Step-by-Step Guide

Use the following steps to run Windows Troubleshooters.

Windows 10

  1. Search for and select Troubleshoot settings.
    Troubleshoot settings
  2. Select Additional troubleshooters (use the Recommended troubleshooting option to specify whether to run the troubleshooters automatically).
    Additional troubleshooters
  3. Select a troubleshooter based on the type of issue you are trying to resolve.

Windows 11

  1. Select Start and Settings.
  2. Select System and Troubleshoot.
  3. Select Other troubleshooters.
    Other troubleshooters
  4. Select a troubleshooter based on the type of issue you are trying to resolve.

Opprinnelig publiseringsdato:03/20/2023
Siste endrede data:01/15/2025