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Horizontal scrolling with two fingers on TouchPad or TrackPoint does not work on some applications - Windows - ThinkPad

Horizontal scrolling with two fingers on TouchPad or TrackPoint does not work on some applications - Windows - ThinkPad

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Horizontal scrolling with two fingers on TouchPad or TrackPoint does not work on some applications - Windows - ThinkPad


In some applications (for example: Excel, PowerPoint 2010/2013/2016, Internet Explorer, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Nitro PDF Reader, and so on.), horizontal scrolling with two fingers does not work on TouchPad or TrackPoint when the cursor is on the horizontal scroll bar.

Applicable Brands



This is a permanent limitation.


Perform one of the following workarounds for this issue:

  • Drag the horizontal scroll bar in the application.
  • Use the keyboard arrow keys.
  • Use the Touch screen if using a Touch Screen model system.

Additional Information

The horizontal scrolling feature does not always work properly. There is no standard criterion for horizontal scrolling.

Original offentliggørelsesdato:01/25/2017
Dato for sidste ændring:07/03/2024