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BIOS Update for Windows 10 (64-bit) - Miix 710-12IKB

BIOS Update for Windows 10 (64-bit) - Miix 710-12IKB

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BIOS Update for Windows 10 (64-bit) - Miix 710-12IKB

10.804 MB

Windows 10 (64-bit)

22 Jun 2017

BIOS Update


10.8 MB

Windows 10 (64-bit)

22 Jun 2017

BIOS Update Readme


4 KB

Windows 10 (64-bit)

22 Jun 2017


BIOS Update for Windows 10 (64-bit) - Miix 710-12IKB

Kompatible enheter

  • Miix 710-12IKB

Kompatible operativsystemer


  • Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

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Important Information



  • BIOS, abbreviation of Basic Input/Output System, is integrated in ROM chip on main board, which contains the basic input/output program, system configuration information, system startup self-check and pre-setup programs. BIOS provides most basic low-level hardware operations; it is the connection between software and hardware, and interfacing window of hardware and operating system.

    Note: Make note of any settings you have changed in the BIOS Configuration Utility. These settings may have to be re-entered after updating the BIOS.

    Attention: Do not power off or restart your computer during the BIOS flashing process, which will cause serious damage and improper functioning of your computer.



Summary of Changes


Latest Version BIOS fixed all merged issues from previous.

Version 3TCN31WW

BIOS Notification:


  1. Fix security issue #PCR802704880_LEN-15184 (MCU 0x5E)
  2. Fix security issue #LEN-15084


  1. N/A


  1. N/A

EC Notification:


  1. N/A


  1. N/A


  1. N/A


Downloading the package


  1. Click the file link to download the file from the web page.
  2. When prompted, select a drive and directory in which to save the downloaded file.


Install the package in Windows


  1. Locate the file 3tcn31ww.exe that has been downloaded.
  2. Double click the 3tcn31ww.exe icon.
  3. Follow wizard UI by making sure what BIOS to flash and flash on what platform.
  4. Finally press Install & Finish to start flashing. During the process, you are advised not to turn off the computer.
  5. When the update finishes, the computer will automatically reboot for the changes to take effect.
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Siste endrede data: 05 Mar 2020

Opprinnelig publiseringsdato: 22 Jun 2017

Dokument-ID: DS119008
