USB portable diskette drive driver III for Windows 95/98 - ThinkPad General

USB portable diskette drive driver III for Windows 95/98 - ThinkPad General

Available Drivers
File name
Operating System
Release Date

USB portable diskette drive driver III for Windows 95/98 - ThinkPad General


Windows 7 (32-bit)

Windows 7 (64-bit)

Windows 8 (32-bit)

Windows 8 (64-bit)

Windows 8.1 (32-bit)

Windows 8.1 (64-bit)

Windows Vista (32-Bit)

Windows Vista (64-Bit)

Windows XP (32-bit)

Windows XP (64-bit)

31 Jan 2001

README for USB portable diskette drive driver III for Windows 95/98


20.16 KB

Windows 7 (32-bit)

Windows 7 (64-bit)

Windows 8 (32-bit)

Windows 8 (64-bit)

Windows 8.1 (32-bit)

Windows 8.1 (64-bit)

Windows Vista (32-Bit)

Windows Vista (64-Bit)

Windows XP (32-bit)

Windows XP (64-bit)

31 Jan 2001

USB portable diskette drive driver III for Windows 95/98


271.31 KB

Windows 7 (32-bit)

Windows 7 (64-bit)

Windows 8 (32-bit)

Windows 8 (64-bit)

Windows 8.1 (32-bit)

Windows 8.1 (64-bit)

Windows Vista (32-Bit)

Windows Vista (64-Bit)

Windows XP (32-bit)

Windows XP (64-bit)

31 Jan 2001


Downloadable files for the USB portable diskette drive driver III for Windows 95/98

What's More

This package provides Microsoft Windows 95/98 driver support for these USB floppy disk drives:
- External USB Floppy Disk Drive (TEAC) (field replaceable unit (FRU) P/N 05K9283)
- USB Portable Diskette Drive (TEAC) (FRU P/N 22P7066)
- USB Portable Diskette Drive(Y-E Data/SONY) (FRU P/N 06P5221 or 06P5223)

The driver enables or updates the USB portable diskette drive functions on the following ThinkPad computers:

- ThinkPad 130(*2)
- ThinkPad A21e (Machine Type 2655)
- ThinkPad A22e Celeron Model(*2)
- ThinkPad G40 (*2)
- ThinkPad R30(*2), R31(*2), R32(*2), R40(*2)
- ThinkPad X20, X21, X22, X23, X24
- ThinkPad X30(*2), X31(*2)
- ThinkPad T40(*2), T41(*2), T42(*2)
- ThinkPad i Series 1200(*2)
- ThinkPad i Series 1300(*2)
- ThinkPad TransNote(*2)

(*2) Support for Windows 98\98 SE only.
- The FRU part number is printed on USB Diskette Drive. Confirm the FRU part number before installation.
Additional information
Summary of changes
Installation instructions
Determining which version is installed

Summary of changes
Version 2.00
  • (New) Add problem fixes information on old driver version.
  • (New) Change the number of driver version from v1.01 to v2.00.
  • (New) Add ThinkPad R31 into the support list.
  • (New) Add ThinkPad X24 into the support list.
  • (New) Add ThinkPad R32 into the support list.
  • (New) Add ThinkPad X30 into the support list.
  • (New) Add ThinkPad R40 into the support list.
  • (New) Add ThinkPad T40 into the support list.
  • (New) Add ThinkPad X31 into the support list.
  • (New) Add ThinkPad G40 into the support list.
  • (New) Add ThinkPad T41 into the support list.
  • (New) Add ThinkPad T42 into the support list.

Version 1.01

  • (Fix) Cannot access the license key diskette of JAWS for Windows Ver 3.7 (Screen Reader Program).
  • (Fix) ( External Universal Serial Bus (USB) Floppy Disk Drive (FDD) (TEAC) Field replacement unit (FRU) part number 05K9283) Copying file to the USB FDD takes long time
  • (New) Add ThinkPad X22 into the support list.
  • (New) Add ThinkPad R30 into the support list.
  • (New) Add ThinkPad X23 into the support list.
  • (New) Support USB Portable Diskette Drive (TEAC) (FRU P/N 22P7066).

Version 1.00

  • (New) Initial release

NOTE: There is no change to the driver itself between v1.01 and v2.00. If you have already updated the driver to V1.01, you do not need to apply v2.00.

Installation instructions

Drive nameFRUDriver version
Win 95Win 98
External USB Floppy Disk Drive (TEAC)05K92831.023.00
USB Portable Diskette Drive (TEAC)


USB Portable Diskette Drive (Y-E Data/SONY)




  • When the device driver is installed, the device driver for the other type USB diskette drive is also copied onto the hard drive for interoperability.
  • Do not compress and decompress a floppy disk on this drive with DriveSpace 3.
  • This driver does not support more than two drives. Use only one drive in your ThinkPad computer.
  • When the USB Portable Diskette Drive is used on ThinkPad A21e (Type 2655) and A22e systems, the legacy floppy disk drive should be disabled in the BIOS Setup Utility.
  • The drivers for Windows 95 and Windows 98 are stored in the different directories. See the following table:

    Operating systemDirectory
    Windows 95\WIN95
    Windows 98root

Clean install for Windows 95
See the attached README file usbfdw9x.txt.

Update install for Windows 95

  1. Start Windows 95.
  2. Extract this package onto the hard disk drive.
  3. Connect the USB floppy disk drive to the system..
  4. Click Start, select Settings, and then click Control Panel.
  5. Double-click the System icon.
  6. Click the Device Manager tab.
  7. Please read throughout the following two options:
    • If you own the External USB Floppy Disk Drive, selectPnP TEAC USB FDD under Floppy disk controllers.
    • If you own the USB Portable Diskette Drive select USB FDD (VXD) under Floppy disk controllers.
  8. Click Properties.
  9. Click the Driver tab.
  10. Click the Update Driver... button.
  11. For the "Do you want Windows to search for the driver?" question, select Yes. Then click Next.
  12. Click Other Locations... Specify the directory name with the full path name and \WIN95 where you extracted the package in the step 2, and click OK.
    Example: c:\drivers\w9x\usbfdd\WIN95
  13. Click Finish.
  14. If Insert Disk dialog appears, click OK. Then specify the directory name with the full path name and \WIN95 where you extracted the package in the step 2, and click OK.
    Example: c:\drivers\w9x\usbfdd\WIN95
  15. Please read through the following two options:
    • If you are installing drivers for the External USB Floppy Disk Drive follow steps 16-18.
    • If you are installing drivers for the USB Portable Diskette Drive follow steps 19-31
  16. Click Close.
  17. Click Close in the System Properties window.
  18. Restart the computer for the new settings to take effect.
  19. If the question, Do you want to restart your computer now? prompt appears, click No.
  20. Click Close in the USB FDD (VXD) Properties window.
  21. Select USB FDD under Universal serial bus controller.
  22. Click the Properties button.
  23. Click the Driver tab in the USB FDD Properties window.
  24. Click the Update Driver... button.
  25. For the question, Do you want Windows to search for the driver?, select Yes. Then click Next.
  26. Click Other Locations... Specify the directory name with the full path name and \WIN95 where you extracted the package in the step 2, and click OK.
    Example: c:\drivers\w9x\usbfdd\WIN95
  27. Click Finish.
  28. If the Insert Disk dialog appears, click OK. Then specify the directory name with the full path name and \WIN95 where you extracted the package in the step 2, and click OK. Example: c:\drivers\w9x\usbfdd\WIN95
  29. Click Close.
  30. Click Close in the System Properties window.
  31. Restart the computer for the new settings to take effect

Clean Install for Windows 98
See the attached README file usbfdw9x.txt.

Update install for Windows 98

  1. Start Windows 98.
  2. Extract this package onto the hard disk drive.
  3. Connect the USB floppy disk drive to the system.
  4. Click Start, select Settings, and then click Control Panel.
  5. Double-click the System icon.
  6. Click the Device Manager tab.
  7. Please read throughout the following two options:
    • If you own the External USB Floppy Disk Drive, select PnP TEAC USB FDD under Floppy disk controllers.
    • If you own the USB Portable Diskette Drive select USB FDD (VXD) under Floppy disk controllers.
  8. Click Properties.
  9. Click the Driver tab.
  10. Click the Update Driver... button.
  11. Click Next.
  12. Select Search for a better driver than the one your device is using now. (Recommended). Then click Next.
  13. Select Specify a location: and specify the directory name with the full path name where you extracted the package in the step 2, then click Next. Example: c:\drivers\w9x\usbfdd
  14. Select The updated driver (Recommended). Then click Next.
  15. Click Next.
  16. Click Finish.
  17. Click Close.
  18. Please read through the following two options:
    • If you are installing drivers for the External USB Floppy Disk Drive follow steps 19-20.
    • If you are installing drivers for the USB Portable Diskette Drive follow steps 21-32
  19. Click Close in the System Properties window.
  20. Restart the computer for the new settings to take effect.
  21. In Device Manager, select USB FDD under Universal Serial Bus controller.
  22. Click Properties.
  23. Click the Driver tab in the USB FDD Properties window.
  24. Click the Update Driver... button.
  25. Click Next.
  26. Select Search for a better driver than the one your device is using now. (Recommended). Then click Next.
  27. Select Specify a location: and specify the directory name with the full path name where you extracted the package in the step 2, then click Next. Example: c:\drivers\w9x\usbfdd
  28. Click Next.
  29. Click Finish.
  30. Click Close.
  31. Click Close in the System Properties window.
  32. Restart the computer for the new settings to take effect.

Determining which version is installed

Windows 95

External USB floppy disk driveUSB portable diskette drive
File nameVersion 1.02File nameVersion 4.51
TEACUFDD.exe16 Jul 1999 10:08 AMUSBFDD.SYS30 May 2000 4:51 AM
TEACUFDD.sys16 Mar 2000 5:12 PM 
TEACVSDD.vxd15 May 2000 1:08 AM

To check the date and time of these files:

  1. Start Windows 95.
  2. Click Start, select Find, and then click Files or Folders...
  3. Click the Name & Location tab.
  4. Type the each file name listed above table in the Named: field.
  5. Specify Local Hard drives (C:,D:) in the Look in: field, then check the Include subfolders option.
  6. Click the Find Now button. Windows will now search your hard drive for the specified file. If the file is not found, the driver is not installed on your system.
  7. Please read throughout the following two options:
    • If you are installing drivers for the External USB Floppy Disk Drive; in the In Folder part of the window, select the file name located in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM. Then look at the Modified column to check the date/time of the each file.
    • If you are installing drivers for the USB Portable Diskette Drive; In the In Folder part of the window, select the file name located in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS. Then look at the Modified column to check the date/time of the each file.

Windows 98

  1. Start Windows 98.
  2. Connect the USB floppy disk drive to the system.
  3. Click Start, select Find and then click Control Panel.
  4. Double-click System.
  5. Click Device Manager tab in the System Properties window
  6. Please read through the following two options:
    • If you are installing drivers for the External USB Floppy Disk Drive follow steps 7-11.
    • If you are installing drivers for the USB Portable Diskette Drive follow steps 12-16.
  7. Double-click Floppy disk controllers.
  8. Select PnP TEAC USB FDD and click the Properties button.
  9. Click the Driver tab.
  10. Click the Driver File Details... button.
  11. Click TEACVSDD.VXD in Driver Files: The file version column shows the driver version. For example, File version: 1.15
  12. Select USB FDD under Universal Serial Bus controller.
  13. Click Properties.
  14. Click the Driver tab in the USB FDD Properties window.
  15. Click the Driver File Details... button.
  16. Select USBFDD.SYS in Driver Files: and the driver version appears after File version
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Alias Id: MIGR-4P52BK

Last Modified Date: 02 Jul 2015

Original Publish Date: 31 Jan 2001

Document ID: DS003505
