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Update to convert installed copy of WinDVD 5 to WinDVD 8 for machines that have upgraded to Windows 7

Update to convert installed copy of WinDVD 5 to WinDVD 8 for machines that have upgraded to Windows 7

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Update to convert installed copy of WinDVD 5 to WinDVD 8 for machines that have upgraded to Windows 7

156.554 MB

Windows 7 (32-bit)

Windows 7 (64-bit)

10 Nov 2009

InterVideo WinDVD 8 SD Update (WinDVD 5->8 Update Only)


156.55 MB

Windows 7 (32-bit)

Windows 7 (64-bit)

10 Nov 2009

README for InterVideo WinDVD 8 SD Update (WinDVD 5->8 Update Only)


3.98 KB

Windows 7 (32-bit)

Windows 7 (64-bit)

10 Nov 2009


Intervideo, InterVideo, WinDVD, windvd, dvd

Compatible Devices

This software update applies to the following notebook systems:

  • ThinkPad R61, R61e, R61i
  • ThinkPad R400, R500
  • Thinkpad SL300, SL400, SL500
  • ThinkPad T400, T400s, T500
  • ThinkPad X200, X200s, X200 tablet

What's More

This update is created for Lenovo customers who have upgraded the system to Windows 7 and lost use of the WinDVD 5 software as a result.
The update removes old WinDVD 5 software and installs a Windows 7 compatible version of WinDVD 8.

This update requires approximately 185MB of space on your hard disk.

Supported systems

Supported Operating System:

  • Microsoft Windows 7


This software update applies to the following ThinkCentre desktop systems:

  • ThinkCentre M58 type 6139, 6175, 8820, 7187, 7348, 7359, 7626, 7637, 8910, 7174, 7354, 7360, 7627, 7638, 6258, 6303, 9960, 7244, 7355, 7373, 7628, 7639, 6239, 6302)
  • ThinkCentre M58p (type 9961, 7345, 7356, 7479, 7629, 6136, 8336, 8338, 9964, 7346, 7357, 7483, 7630, 6137, 7220, 6234, 9965, 7347, 7358, 7484, 7635, 6138, 7188, 6209)
  • ThinkCentre A58 (type 7515, 7523, 7569, 7611, 7706, 7719, 7749, 7774 7522, 7560, 7610, 7705, 7715, 7721, 7773, 7799)
  • ThinkCentre M58e (type 7258, 7260, 7268, 7270, 7280, 7296, 7298, 7304, 7307, 7413, 7491, 7508, 7847, 7843 7259, 7267, 7269, 7279, 7290, 7297, 7303, 7306, 7408, 7487, 7506, 7514)
  • ThinkCentre A57e - (type 6306)

This software update applies to the following ThinkStation systems:

  • ThinkStation S10 (type 6423, 6483, 6439)
  • ThinkStation D10 (type 6427, 6493, 6449)
  • ThinkStation S20 (type 4105, 4157, 4217)
  • ThinkStation D20 (type 4155, 4158, 4218)


Summary of changes

For summary of changes, please refer to the text file.


Downloading the package
  1. Click the file link to download the file from the Web page.
  2. When prompted, select a drive and directory in which to save the downloaded file.


System preparation

Ensure that one of the following Lenovo versions of WinDVD 5 is installed



Installing the package
  1. Click Start, then click Start Search.
  2. Type windvdw7u.exe in the search field, then click Search Everywhere. This will locate the file you just downloaded.
  3. Double-click the windvdw7u.exe icon. You may see a dialog stating "A program needs your permission to continue". If you see this dialog, click Continue.
  4. Follow all onscreen prompts and reboot your system when done.


Silent Installation

To install this package silently use the following command:
windvdw7u.exe -s



This package is intended for users who upgrade thier systems from Windows XP or Vista to Windows 7.
Installation under Windows XP or Vista in not supported.


Application notes
  • This update will only install if one of the following versions of WinDVD 5 is installed
  • This update automatically removes the previous version during installation.
  • This update will only work on Lenovo and Legacy IBM systems
  • Support is only provided for Lenovo systems that are eligible for the Microsoft Windows 7 Upgrade Option program.


Known Limitations
  • WinDVD 8 cannot play DVD-Audio discs.
  • Audio Center settings doesn't work on some systems
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Alias Id: MIGR-73907

Last Modified Date: 05 Mar 2020

Original Publish Date: 10 Nov 2009

Document ID: DS001598
