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Hotkey Features Integration for Windows 8 (32-bit, 64-bit) - ThinkPad

Hotkey Features Integration for Windows 8 (32-bit, 64-bit) - ThinkPad

V tomto článku
Kompatibilné zariadeniaKompatibilné operačné systémyČo je viac
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Hotkey Features Integration for Windows 8 (32-bit, 64-bit) - ThinkPad

26.434 MB

Windows 8 (32-bit)

Windows 8 (64-bit)

07 Dec 2017

Hotkey Features Integration


26.4 MB

Windows 8 (32-bit)

Windows 8 (64-bit)

07 Dec 2017

README for Hotkey Features Integration


35.3 KB

Windows 8 (32-bit)

Windows 8 (64-bit)

07 Dec 2017


This package provides the utilities (sub packages) related for the special keys and buttons on your computer.

Kompatibilné zariadenia

Supported ThinkPad Systems

  • ThinkPad Edge S430
  • ThinkPad P50s
  • ThinkPad Helix (Machine types: 369x, 370x)
  • ThinkPad Helix 2nd Gen (Machine types: 20CG, 20CH)
  • ThinkPad L430, L530
  • ThinkPad S430
  • ThinkPad T430, T430i, T430s, T430si, T431s, T440, T440p, T440s, T450, T450s,T530, T530i, T540p, T550
  • ThinkPad Tablet 2
  • ThinkPad Twist S230u
  • ThinkPad W530, W540, W541, W550s
  • ThinkPad X1 Carbon
  • ThinkPad X1 Helix, X1 Helix 3G
  • ThinkPad X131e, X140e, X230, X230i, X230 Tablet, X230i Tablet, X230s, X240, X240s, X250
  • ThinkPad Yoga

Kompatibilné operačné systémy

  • Microsoft Windows 8 32-bit, 64-bit

Čo je viac

This package provides the utilities (sub packages) related for the special keys and buttons on your computer. The special keys and buttons are designed on the accessibility and usability. The utilities enable the full functionality for the special keys and buttons.

This package contains the following sub packages;

<On Screen Display>
This program displays the result of the using of function keys on the desktop screen. This program also provides some enhancements of the function keys. For example, whenever changes microphone mute state, this program displays mute state indicator on the desktop screen.

<System Interface Driver> 
This program works as the programming and data interface which is commonly used for Lenovo drivers, utilities and application programs working on Windows XP.

<Lenovo Patch Utility>
If issues happened in the above sub package functions on your computer, this program would enable to apply suitable fix immediately.

If this package has been installed, updating (overwrite-installing) this package will fix problems, add new functions, or expand functions as noted below.

Additional Information

Please refer to the README file for the following:

  • Installation Instructions
  • Determining Which Version is Installed
  • Complete list of summary of changes
  • Known limitations (if any)
Boli tieto informácie užitočné?

Vaša spätná väzba pomáha zlepšiť celkovú používateľskú skúsenosť

Dátum poslednej úpravy: 05 Mar 2020

Original Publish Date: 06 Jun 2017

ID dokumentu: DS101333
