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Intel video driver for Windows XP - ThinkCentre A57e (type 6303)

Intel video driver for Windows XP - ThinkCentre A57e (type 6303)

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Intel video driver for Windows XP - ThinkCentre A57e (type 6303)

17.413 MB

Windows XP (32-bit)

21 Nov 2008

Intel video driver


17.41 MB

Windows XP (32-bit)

21 Nov 2008

Installation instructions for Intel video driver


2.56 KB

Windows XP (32-bit)

21 Nov 2008


This package installs an updated version of the Microsoft Windows XP device driver for the Intel video chipset that comes preinstalled in your computer.


This package installs an updated version of the Microsoft Windows XP device driver for the Intel video chipset that comes preinstalled in your computer.

This update requires approximately 40MB of space on your hard drive.
Additional information

This package has been approved for use with the following systems:

  • ThinkCentre A57e (type 6303)
Downloading the package
  1. Click the file link to download the file from the Web page.
  2. When prompted, select a drive and directory in which to save the downloaded file.
Extracting the package
  1. Click Start, select Search, then click All files and folders.
  2. Type q2vdo41us13.exe in the search field, then click Search. This will locate the file you just downloaded.
  3. Double-click the q2vdo41us13.exe icon.
  4. Click Next. Read the license agreement.
  5. Click I accept the terms in the license agreement.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Ensure that "Save files in folder" is set to C:\SWTOOLS\DRIVERS\VIDEO\Q2VDO41US13.
  8. Click Next. The necessary files will be extracted to your hard drive.
  9. Click Finish.
Installing the package
  1. Click Start, then click Run.
  2. Type C:\SWTOOLS\DRIVERS\VIDEO\q2vdo41us13\Setup.exe, then click OK. The setup program will run.
  3. Follow all onscreen prompts and reboot your system when done.
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Identificación de alias: MIGR-71028

Fecha de última modificación: 05 Mar 2020

Fecha de publicación original: 21 Nov 2008

ID del documento: DS001255
