Access ThinkPad customization application - ThinkPad A22, T22, T23, X21, 1200, 1300, TransNote

Access ThinkPad customization application - ThinkPad A22, T22, T23, X21, 1200, 1300, TransNote

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Access ThinkPad customization application - ThinkPad A22, T22, T23, X21, 1200, 1300, TransNote

4.247 MB

Windows 7 (32-bitowy)

Windows 7 (64-bitowy)

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Windows 8 (64-bitowy)

Windows 8.1 (32-bitowy)

Windows 8.1 (64-bitowy)

Windows Vista (32-bitowy)

Windows Vista (64-bitowy)

Windows XP (32-bitowy)

Windows XP (64-bitowy)

13 Dec 2001

README for version 2.x - Access ThinkPad Customization tool


262.82 KB

Windows 7 (32-bitowy)

Windows 7 (64-bitowy)

Windows 8 (32-bitowy)

Windows 8 (64-bitowy)

Windows 8.1 (32-bitowy)

Windows 8.1 (64-bitowy)

Windows Vista (32-bitowy)

Windows Vista (64-bitowy)

Windows XP (32-bitowy)

Windows XP (64-bitowy)

13 Dec 2001

version 2.7b - Access ThinkPad Customization tool


3.99 MB

Windows 7 (32-bitowy)

Windows 7 (64-bitowy)

Windows 8 (32-bitowy)

Windows 8 (64-bitowy)

Windows 8.1 (32-bitowy)

Windows 8.1 (64-bitowy)

Windows Vista (32-bitowy)

Windows Vista (64-bitowy)

Windows XP (32-bitowy)

Windows XP (64-bitowy)

13 Dec 2001


This document provides the Access ThinkPad Customization Tool which allows the user to customize their Access ThinkPad application. *This release supports the following systems:- ThinkPad A21e (type 2655 only) - ThinkPad A22e, A22m, A22p- ThinkPad T22

Co więcej

This document provides the Access ThinkPad Customization Tool which allows the user to customize their Access ThinkPad application.

*This release supports the following systems:
- ThinkPad A21e (type 2655 only)
- ThinkPad A22e, A22m, A22p
- ThinkPad T22, T23
- ThinkPad X21
- ThinkPad i Series 1200(*1)
- ThinkPad i Series 1300(*1)
- ThinkPad TransNote

(*1) Applies to the following machine type and models only (The machine type and model numbers are located on the bottom of the system next to the bar code labels.):
1161 - 37N, 42*, 43*, 44*, 47N, 4AH, 52*, 53M, 57N, 62*, 67N, 72*, 73J, 82G, 83G, 86C, 92*, 93*, 94*, 95*, 96*, 97A, CSG, HNM, RR9, RRA, RRB

1171 - 1**, 2TU, 4MU, 52U, 5BU, 5CU, 5W*, 5X*, 6KU, 6L*, 6MU, 6NU, 6XU, 7W*, 7XG, 7YU, 8MU, 8XU, 9A*, 9B*, 9KU, 9L*, 9MU, 9NU, 9W*, 9X*, 9ZU, CEU, EDU, NM1 RRB-RRK

2666 - All models
2667 - All models
Additional information

Click here for instructions on how to transfer files greater than 1.44 MB to multiple floppies.

Summary of changes

Version 2.7

  • Initial Release

Version 2.7b

  • Fixes the graphic alignment of icons 5 through 8

Installation instructions
1. Download the file above, located above, to your system.
2. Run the file to extract the Access ThinkPad Customization Tool.
3. Follow the prompts on the screen.
Additional information
This is the location of the Access ThinkPad application and the location of the Access ThinkPad Customization Tool:

C:\ibmtools\ibmhelp\ThinkPad Information
ATPCM.EXE - The actual tool application executable file
This is the directory that contains the user's guide for the customization tool files:

- The customization tool user's guide

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ID Aliasu: MIGR-4X2GYR

Data ostatniej modyfikacji: 02 Jul 2015

Data pierwszej publikacji: 13 Dec 2001

Identyfikatof dokumentu : DS001387
