Optical drive installation movie - ThinkPad L410, L412, L510, L512, SL410, SL510

Optical drive installation movie - ThinkPad L410, L412, L510, L512, SL410, SL510

Optical drive installation movie - ThinkPad L410, L412, L510, L512, SL410, SL510

GotoMovie player help

Text of the audio portion of this movie
  1. Slide the Optical disk into the slot in the notebook.
  2. Secure it with the single retaining screw on the bottom.
  3. Slide the battery into the slot on the bottom of the notebook and secure it with the latch.
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GotoThinkPad movie index

Full service video CD available from http://www.lenovoservicetraining.com/


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Opprinnelig publiseringsdato:04/06/2010
Siste endrede data:07/31/2014