Software updates using Over-the-Air (OTA) feature - ThinkReality VRX

Software updates using Over-the-Air (OTA) feature - ThinkReality VRX

Software updates using Over-the-Air (OTA) feature - ThinkReality VRX


Describes software updates, and update errors, for the ThinkReality VRX headset (12DE, 12DF) headset and the hand controller using Over-The-Air (OTA) feature.

Software updates information is available at: ThinkReality VRX Headset - Software Update Release Notes (Features, Fixes).

Applicable Devices


Overview and Update Process

When a software update is available, within Settings, the About has an orange indicator orange indicator that identifies a pending action.

Settings About

Select About. The following software updates are available:

Headset Hand Controller
Identified by the Software Version orange indicator. orange indicator
  About Software Version update
Identified by the Controller FW Version orange indicator. orange indicator
 About Controller Firmware version

Select Update to proceed with the update.

Headset Update Errors

 Not enought space error message
Not Enough Space appears if device storage does not have enough space to download. This requires the user to remove files and apps from the device before restarting the update process.
 Download failed error message
Download Failed appears if the device encounters an error while downloading the updates. After the notification, the Updating button reverts to Update. Restart the update by selecting Update.
 Installation failed error message
Installation Failed appears when the device encounters troubles while installing the software update. After the notification, the device starts using the previous software version and the About page displays the orange indicator next to the Software Version. Restart the update by selecting Update.


Controller Update Errors

 Controller update failed error message
Controller Update Failed appears when controller firmware update fails during the update process. After the notification, the Updating button reverts to Update.
   Left controller not detected error message      Right controller not detected error message
Controller Not Detected appears when any controller (Left and/or Right) is not detected.


Document ID:HT515787
Original Publish Date:11/02/2023
Last Modified Date:02/20/2024