Access Help online User's Guide - ThinkPad SL300, SL400 and SL500

Access Help online User's Guide - ThinkPad SL300, SL400 and SL500

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Access Help online User's Guide - ThinkPad SL300, SL400 and SL500

33.58 MB

Windows Vista (32-Bit)

Windows Vista (64-Bit)

Windows XP (32-bit)

09 Jul 2008
موصى عليه 

Access Help


29.22 MB

Windows Vista (32-Bit)

Windows Vista (64-Bit)

Windows XP (32-bit)

09 Jul 2008
موصى عليه 

README for Access Help


4.36 MB

Windows Vista (32-Bit)

Windows Vista (64-Bit)

Windows XP (32-bit)

09 Jul 2008
موصى عليه 


Access help online User's Guide for the ThinkPad SL300, SL400 and SL500 systems.

ما هو أكثر

This package provides the online user's guide.

This release supports the following systems:
- ThinkPad SL300, SL400 and SL500

Supported Operating Systems:
- Microsoft Windows Vista
- Microsoft Windows XP

Note: This is the same software ship ped with the system and does not provide enhancements or updates to the existing software.
Additional information
Summary of changes
Installation instructions
Determining which version is installed

Summary of changes

Version 2.10

  • (New) Support for ThinkPad SL300.

Version 2.00

  • (New) Initial release for ThinkPad SL400 and SL500.
Installation instructions
  1. Start Microsoft Windows, and logon with administrative privileges.
  2. Extract this package onto the hard drive.
  3. Click Start, and then click Run.
  4. Type C:\DRIVERS\WIN\AHLP\SETUP.EXE, and click OK.
    Note: For unattended installation for system administrators' use only. Add '-S -SMS' parameter to SETUP. (Example, C:\DRIVERS\WIN\AHLP\SETUP.EXE -S -SMS)
  5. Follow the instructions on the screen.

Uninstall instructions
  1. Start Windows and logon with administrative privileges.
  2. Click Start, then click Control Panel.(Windows Vista, Windows XP)
    Or, click Start, select Settings, then click Control Panel.(Windows 2000)
  3. Click Uninstall a program.(Windows Vista)
    Or, double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.(Windows XP, Windows 2000)
  4. Select Access Help, and click the Uninstall/Change or Remove button.
  5. Restart the system.

Determining which version is installed
  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Click Uninstall a program. (Windows Vista)
    Or, double-click Add or Remove Program. (Windows XP. Windows 2000)
  3. For Windows Vista, right-click the title column on top the program list, and check the Version checkbox.
    For Windows XP or Windows 2000, select Access Help, and click the Click here for support information link.
    The version information will be displayed.
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معرف مستعار: MIGR-69966

تاريخ آخر تعديل: 23 Jun 2014

تاريخ النشر الأصلي: 09 Jul 2008

معرف المستند: DS000753
