Poznámka: Táto webová stránka obsahuje systém prístupnosti. Stlačením klávesovej skratky Control-F11 upravte webovú stránku pre zrakovo postihnutých, ktorí používajú čítačku obrazovky; Stlačením klávesov Control-F10 otvorte ponuku prístupnosti.

Wireless Issues - ideapad, ThinkPad

Wireless Issues - ideapad, ThinkPad

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Wireless Issues - ideapad, ThinkPad


Wi-Fi is not connecting properly or the signal drops intermittently. For additional troubleshooting information, see Frequent drops or intermittent wireless connection - Windows 10.

Applicable Brands

  • ideapad
  • ThinkPad


Check for Wi-Fi driver updates and download the most recent. Lenovo Vantage: Using your PC just got easier.

Use the following steps to download a driver:

  1. Visit https://support.lenovo.com.
  2. Choose your product.
  3. Choose Drivers & Software.
    Drivers and Software
  4. Select Automatic Update or Manual Update.
  5. For Manual Update, select Networking: Wireless LAN and download.
    For Automatic Update, select Scan Now and follow the on-screen instructions.

For Wi-Fi troubleshooting information, see Popular Topics: Wireless, Wi-Fi.

ID dokumentu:HT508661
Original Publish Date:06/06/2019
Dátum poslednej úpravy:08/15/2024