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Ricoh Multi Card Reader Driver for Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit), Vista (32-bit, 64-bit), XP - ThinkPad

Ricoh Multi Card Reader Driver for Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit), Vista (32-bit, 64-bit), XP - ThinkPad

V tomto článku
Kompatibilní zařízeníCo je víc
Dostupné ovladače
Název souboru
Operační systém:
Datum vydání

Ricoh Multi Card Reader Driver for Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit), Vista (32-bit, 64-bit), XP - ThinkPad

3.217 MB

Windows 7 (32-bit)

Windows 7 (64-bit)

Windows Vista (32-Bit)

Windows Vista (64-Bit)

Windows XP (32-bit)

01 Jun 2015

Media Card Reader Driver


3.21 MB

Windows 7 (32-bit)

Windows 7 (64-bit)

Windows Vista (32-Bit)

Windows Vista (64-Bit)

Windows XP (32-bit)

13 Mar 2012

README for Media Card Reader Driver


7.64 KB

Windows 7 (32-bit)

Windows 7 (64-bit)

Windows Vista (32-Bit)

Windows Vista (64-Bit)

Windows XP (32-bit)

13 Mar 2012


Ricoh Multi Card Reader Driver for Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit), Vista (32-bit, 64-bit), XP - ThinkPad

Kompatibilní zařízení

  • ThinkPad Edge E420,
  • ThinkPad Edge E520
  • ThinkPad T420, T420i, T420s, T420si,
  • ThinkPad T520, T520i
  • ThinkPad W520
  • ThinkPad X1, X1 Hybrid (*1)
  • ThinkPad X220, X220i, X220 Tablet, X220i Tablet

Co je víc


This package installs the software (Media Card Reader driver) to enable the following devices.

  • Ricoh PCIe Memory Stick Host Controller
Supported System
Supported Operating Systems
Summary of Changes
Installation Instructions
Uninstallation Instructions
Determining which version is installed


*1: Supports Windows 7 64-bit only.

Supported Operating Systems
  • Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit, 64-bit
  • Microsoft Windows Vista 32-bit, 64-bit
  • Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition SP2
  • Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3

Refer to marketing materials to find out what computer models support which Operating Systems.

Summary of Changes


  • [Important] Important update
  • (New) New function or enhancement
  • (Fix) Correction to existing function


  • (New) Added support for Thinkpad X1 Hybrid for Windows 7 64 bit.
  • (New) Added support for Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition SP2 for ThinkPad W520.
  • (Fix) Fixed an issue where no safely removal icon for Media Card might appear after resuming normal operation from sleep state on Windows 7.


  • (New) Added support for ThinkPad X1.
  • (New) Added support for Microsoft Windows Vista 32-bit, 64-bit.
  • (New) Added support for ThinkPad X220, X220i, X220 Tablet, X220i Tablet.
  • (New) Added support for ThinkPad Edge E420, E520.
  • (Fix) Fixed an issue where the computer hanged after inserting and removing the media card several times on Windows 7.


  • (New) Added support for ThinkPad W520.
  • (New) Added support for ThinkPad T420s, T420si.
  • (New) Initial release for ThinkPad T410, T510, W510.


  • If this package has been installed, updating (overwrite-installing) this package will fix problems, add new functions, or expand functions as noted below.
  • This program is language independent and can be used with any language system.


Installation Instructions
  • If your computer runs satisfactorily now, it may not be necessary to update the software. To determine if you should update the software, refer to the Version Information section.
Manual Install

This section assumes to use Internet Explorer and Explorer.

[Downloading file]

  1. Click once on the underlined file name. Once this is done, some pop-up windows will appear.
  2. Follow the instructions on the screen.
  3. In the window to choose Run or Save, click the Save button.
  4. Choose the folder you would like to download the file to and click the Save button. A different window will appear and the download will begin and complete. Once the download has completed, there may or may not be a message stating that the download completed successfully.

[Extracting file]

  1. Make sure to be logged on with administrative privileges.
  2. Locate the folder where the file was downloaded.
  3. Locate the file that was downloaded and double-click it.
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen.
  5. In the "Select Destination Location" window, click Next. If you would like to select a different folder, click Browse.
  6. In the "Ready to Install" window, click Install. All the necessary files will be extracted to the folder selected in the step 9.

[Installing files]

  1. Make sure the checkbox next to "Install ..... now" is checked and click Finish.
  2. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete installation and restart the computer.

Finally delete the file saved in Step 4.


Unattended Install

Note: This is intended for system administrators only.

  1. Refer to the "Manual Install" section, and download and extract the file.
  2. In the step 11 of the "Installing files" section, uncheck the checkbox next to "Install ..... now", and then click Finish to cancel installation.
  3. At the command line, execute setup.exe with the -s option.
    Example: [Path where the files were extracted]\setup -s


Uninstallation Instructions

Uninstallation is not supported.


Determining which version is installed

[Windows 7/Vista]

  1. Click Start.
  2. Right-click Computer, and then click Properties.
  3. At the left pane, click Device Manager.
  4. Double-click the IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers category.
  5. Double-click Ricoh PCIe Memory Stick Host Controller.
  6. Click the Driver tab.
  7. Check Driver Version.

[Windows XP]

  1. Click Start.
  2. Right-click My Computer, then click Properties.
  3. Click the Hardware tab, and then click Device Manager.
  4. Double-click the IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers category.
  5. Double-click Ricoh PCIe Memory Stick Host Controller.
  6. Click the Driver tab.
  7. Check Driver Version.
Byla tato informace užitečná?

Vaše zpětná vazba pomáhá zlepšit váš celkový zážitek

Přezdívka (ID): MIGR-77000

Datum poslední úpravy: 05 Mar 2020

Datum původního zveřejnění: 01 Jun 2015

ID dokumentu: DS014960
