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How to check the version of Internet Explorer or Edge - Windows 10

Steps and instructions to find out the version of Internet Explorer or Edge - Windows 10

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Steps and instructions to find out the version of Internet Explorer or Edge - Windows 10


This article is about how to find the version of Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge.

Operating Systems

Windows 10


A direct and universal way is to check About Internet Explorer or About Microsoft Edge.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Method 1

Open the IE browser, and click the Setting button (the Gear icon) in the menu. Click About Internet Explorer at the bottom of the list.


Method 2

Press the Alt key (next to the Spacebar) on the keyboard to open a menu bar. Click Help and select About Internet Explorer.

About Internet Explorer

The IE version is displayed in the pop-up window.

About Internet Explorer

Microsoft Edge

  1. Open Microsoft Edge.
  2. Select the three dots at the top of the window.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Scroll down and select About Microsoft Edge.
    About Microsoft Edge

Opprinnelig publiseringsdato:10/07/2019
Siste endrede data:07/08/2024