Lenovo Limited Warranty for Lenovo Smartphones
Lenovo Limited Warranty for Lenovo Smartphones
Lenovo Limited Warranty for Lenovo Smartphones
1. An overview of the Limited Warranty for Lenovo Smartphone products first launched globally before July 13, 2015.
2. An overview of the Limited Warranty for Lenovo Smartphone products first launched globally between July 13, 2015 and Mar 31, 2016.
3. An overview of the Limited Warranty for Lenovo Smartphone products first launched globally on and after Apr 1, 2016.
4. An overview of the Limited Warranty for Lenovo Smartphone products first launched globally on and after Aug 1, 2017.
5. An overview of the Limited Warranty for Lenovo Smartphone products first launched globally on and after Jan 1, 2019.
Including Lenovo K10, Lenovo K11, Lenovo K11 Power.
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